International Week of Doc Media Month

Monday 24th 6.00pm-8.00pm ‘Micro Cinema Monday‘ – free to view showcase of films from across the world on International Development. Films being screened from Haiti, USA, China, Kenya, Lesotho and India. Discuss the films with representatives of Skillshare International and the Andrew Green Foundation, who work in Haiti. In partnership with Citizens Eye Kenya and…

Reportage Club events in Doc Media Month

The Reportage Club is a simple concept……..John Coster interviews guests about documentary media related subjects in front of an audience. Here are the guests and themes for Reportage Club events throughout November’s Doc Media Month: Wednesday 5th November – Brahmpreet Gulati, Voices 4 Change discusses the perception of young people in the media. Monday 10th – Beth Walsh, freelance…

Documentary Media Month Programme

Documentary Media Month (1st-30th November) presents events, activities and workshops covering 4 areas:  film photography audio new media The month is dedicated to showcasing people, places and events through 4 themed weeks – local, regional, national and international. The programme includes the 5th Leicester Docfilm Festival There are still many workshops yet to be listed so please keep…